You are invited to a.....
"Member Value Workshop,"
facilitated by Craig Turner,
"Momentum - The Business Growth Agency."
More than 70 companies have gone through the
PAACC Member Value Workshop, presented in collaboration with your fellow member,
Momentum – The Business Growth Agency, and have designed a strategy to make the most out of their membership with the Airport Chamber.
Monday, Apr. 28th at 11 a.m., we’ll be holding our next Member Value Workshop at the PAACC offices. In these sessions, Momentum president Craig Turner facilitates a discussion that helps you:
- Identify your company's membership goals
- Match your priorities with programs available through the PAACC
- Create a membership action plan
By the end of the Workshop, you’ll have compiled an action plan based on your company’s growth strategy. Momentum and the chamber will follow up on your plan with additional insights following the session.
Who Should Attend?
The Member Value Workshop is a valuable exercise for companies of any size. At PAACC, we work hard to offer exceptional services, programs and events all throughout the year. The Workshop will help you understand how to navigate our offerings, based on your company’s growth goals. Send your decision-makers and strategists.
The PAACC team is excited to get to know you better and help your company grow! Ideal attendance for the Member Value Workshop is 15-20 people, and they’ve been selling out. Registration is FREE, but it’s important to reserve your spot today.